Whenever I find myself losing steam with this whole mission, I look to my favorite girls for motivation. You can probably guess that the main girl that is my motivation is Miss Mollie King of the Saturdays. Well, besides her, I love Katy Perry, Lily Allen, Lady Gaga, and Zooey Deschanel to name a few. They say beauty is in the eye of the beholder, so it's okay if everyone doesn't agree with my choices of motivation, but all of those lovely ladies exude beauty in my eyes. Not only are they fit, they are comfortable being themselves and that confidence I see in them is what I strive for. They're not scared to speak up for fear that people will bad mouth them. What's the point in holding true to your own beliefs and trying to be your own person if you don't let anyone else see it? It's not fulfilling for me to just know the type of person I am, I want everyone else to see it too, whether they love or hate it. In my head doing that seems easy, but whenever I try to act on it I freeze up and just sink back into my little hole. One day, I will be able to speak my mind and in return find that maybe people aren't so judging, and if they are I have to be able to say "F*** you, I like who I am and that's all that matters"
A few motivational pictures:

i saved the best for last...MOLLIE :) :)

PS after my second weigh in, my tally is at 3.8 lost. not a big difference from last week, but i'll take it. I'm shooting for 2 pounds this week. Fingers crossed.
UMMMMM i think you just read my mind and what i feel and write it in your blog
ReplyDeletei love your inspiration ladies
and i hope things are going great with your mission
i really do
im excited for you and cant wait to read more about it
and i hope one day i can be myself all the time
and say F YOU
like lily allen :)
p.s. i loveee your katy perry photo
and of course mollie is my favorite
you are beautiful
and amazing
and my bff
and i hope your mission is going well
ewww tom
Dear Tori,
ReplyDeletei am reading your mind, because we are soulmate twins, remember? ;)
my mission is going really well so far, i think i can actually do it this time (gross tom!)
and you can succeed in your mission too! i'm going to start asking you about it everyday..PEER PRESSURE
i love you and you are amazing and my bff :)
and PS your comments seriously make my life!